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  • Phone: +265 984 835 932
  • Email: info@renaissanceagric.com
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Why Our Consulting


  1.  Expertise and experience:
    • The company has over 10 years of experience working in the agricultural private sector across Southern and West Africa.
    • The founder, Chimwemwe Chabulika Josia, has extensive qualifications including a pending PhD in Plant Breeding & Seed Systems.
    • This deep expertise enables the company to provide valuable technical support and advisory services to clients.
  2. Transforming agri-food systems:
    • The company’s mission is to transform agri-food systems and improve nutrition across Africa.
    • The consulting services aim to help develop sustainable seed systems and value chains for key crops like sesame, beans, and soybean.
    • This aligns with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 2 of achieving zero hunger.
  3. Supporting the local seed industry:
    • By providing training and field demonstrations, the company helps local seed and commercial growers master skills in legume and maize hybrid seed production.
    • This technical backstopping strengthens the overall seed industry in Malawi.
  4. Diversified business model:
    • he consulting services complement the company’s core seed production, marketing, and agro-input businesses.
    • This diversified approach helps ensure the overall sustainability and profitability of the organization.

In summary, Renaissance Agriculture & Seed Systems Consult leverages its deep expertise and experience to provide valuable consulting services that transform local agri-food systems and support the growth of the Malawian seed industry